What Is Happening With the Renters Reform Bill?

You’ve heard about the Renters Reform Bill, but what is the current state of affairs? As a landlord, it is essential that you recognise the changes that are going to be made.

It’s not simply about ending fixed term tenancies and Section 21 notifications, but also fresh regulations for rent increases.

You will need to become a part of an Ombudsman Scheme, and there will be an individual entry for each of your properties and a new property portal.

Let’s explore the specifics to ensure you are ready for Autumn 2024.

It is imperative that you stay informed not only of the end of fixed term tenancies and Section 21 notices, but also of the new rules for rent increases and property standards.

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive at National Residential Landlords Association, speaks with Christopher Watkin to discuss the Renters’ Reform Bill and its impact on the Lettings Industry.

Key Takeaways

You must make plans for changes to the Renters Reform Bill. No more leases for a set period or Section 21 notifications.

Rent increases? You must give two months’ forewarning now. Your dwelling must satisfy the Decent Homes Standard, and you must register in an Ombudsman Scheme.

You are not allowed to deny families, animals, or people obtaining benefits, but you can ask for animal insurance.

Retaining control is a bit tougher, but still achievable.

Stay informed, stay compliant.

Understanding the Timing and Implementation of the Renters Reform Bill

You might be pondering the timing and implementation of the Renters Reform Bill. It’s anticipated that it will be rolled out in Autumn 2024, accompanied by a two-phase itinerary and sufficient notification at each step.

The government has been painstaking in devising this reform, ensuring its effect on tenancies and the wider rental industry is progressive and well-managed. This two-phase approach attempts to give everybody implicated sufficient time to adjust to the alterations and guarantee seamless transitions.

The start of the initial stage will be marked with a six-month notification, with the second stage to follow with a minimum of a year’s interval.

Subsequently, we will investigate the major changes this bill will bring to the rental sector, which are crafted to make renting fairer and safer.

The Major Changes Brought by the Renters Reform Bill

It’s essential to comprehend the critical shifts this enactment will bring, for instance the end of fixed term tenancies and the necessity for all properties to fulfill the Decent Homes Standard.

The Renters Reform Bill proposes immense alterations that will straightforwardly influence private landlords and tenancy agreements. One of the most noteworthy changes is the elimination of Section 21, normally used for no fault eviction. This implies landlords will no longer have the capacity to evict tenants without a valid justification, guaranteeing a bigger security of tenure for renters.

Meanwhile, it’s noteworthy to remember the presentation of a new property standard, which all leased homes must meet.

Fixed Term Vs Periodic Tenancy: the Shift

Let’s take a deep dive into the implications of the switch from fixed-term to periodic tenancies, an essential alteration that will restructure how tenancy contracts are formulated. The renters reform bill will bring significant alterations to the private rental sector.

Fixed-Term TenancyPeriodic TenancyImpact
Offers suretyGives mobilityEnhances tenant’s privileges
Finishes at a set dateNo expiryUnpredictability for landlords
Less renter authorityMore renter authorityPower transfer

This transition, backed by governmental officials, gives more power to renters, which may be daunting for landlords. Nevertheless, it’s necessary to comprehend that this switch is part of a greater effort to even out the scales of entitlements and duties within the rental sector.

Taking Possession of Your Property Under the New Law

Navigating possession of your property will be different with the introduction of the Renters Reform Bill. This bill looks to create a balance between renters and landlords. Prior to this bill, landlords were able to utilise a Section 21 notice to terminate a tenancy without providing a cause. Now, landlords must have a basic reason for reclaiming their property, such as selling or wanting to live there.

Grasping the implications of this law will be key to managing properties correctly. Another feature of this bill to consider is the rules for rent increases.

New Rules for Rent Increases

Under the new Renters Reform Bill, landlords will face alterations to the way they can raise the rent. These reforms are intended to guarantee renters’ protection and will have a major effect on how you plan your finances. Here is a quick overview of the key points:

  1. Rent increases are restricted to once a year.
  2. A two month warning must be given prior to any rent increase.
  3. The Section 13 notice must be used to communicate the increase.

This gives you plenty of time to alter your budget.

The ‘decent homes standard’ for landlords is an effort to create an equitable landlord-tenant relationship.

Now let’s take a look into the effects of these changes.

The Decent Homes Standard: Implications for Landlords

It is imperative to comprehend that the ‘decent homes standard’ will necessitate all leased properties to remain at a certain grade of quality. These reforms are set to significantly affect landlords and the real estate market.

As a landlord, your rental dwelling must abide by this standard, guaranteeing a secure and healthy living environment for occupants. These norms address key areas such as heating, insulation, and structural matters. Non-adherence could result in sanctions, so it is essential to make sure your properties adhere to this standard.

This decree denotes a transition towards a more regulated estate market, striving to raise living conditions in leased homes. As we traverse these changes together, the subsequent major reform to prepare for is the induction of the ombudsman programme for landlords.

The Introduction of the Ombudsman Scheme for Landlords

We are entering a period of adjustment with the enforcement of the Ombudsman system for landlords. This system is intended to settle disagreements between landlords and renters. The Renters Reform Bill is encouraging a comprehensive landlord redress system, which means that all landlords must be a part of an ombudsman system. This move is intentional in order to ensure impartiality and clarity in the private rented sector.

Conflicts between landlords can be laborious and demanding. However, this new system is designed to reduce those issues and offer a distinct, impartial pathway for dispute resolution.

As you adjust to these developments, it is imperative to comprehend your responsibilities under the new system.

The New Property Portal: What Landlords Need to Know

You must be familiar with the forthcoming mandates for the new property portal, created to raise transparency and availability in the rental field. As part of the Renters Reform Bill, landlords will have to register their properties on this portal.

Registration: As a residential landlord, you must sign up your property on the portal. This becomes your authorised digital presence in the rental sector.

Compliance details: You are obligated to give compliance particulars for your property, ensuring it meets the obligatory security checks.

Tenant information: Data about your tenant commitments will have to be listed.

Accessible information: The portal serves as a key hub where councils and tenants can access property information.

Be informed and prepared, as this is an immense step towards a more open rental market.


You must make plans for alterations to the Renters Reform Bill. No more leases for a set period or Section 21 notices.

Hikes in rent? You must give two months’ notification now. Your house must comply with the Decent Homes Standard, and you must enroll in an Ombudsman Scheme.

You are not allowed to definitively deny families, animals, or people receiving benefits, but you can ask for pet insurance.

Getting back possession is a bit more challenging, but not implausible.

Stay aware, stay compliant.


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