Should I buy a house in a conservation area?

Who wouldn’t want to buy a house in a desirable residential area? Properties in designated Conservation Areas tend to be particularly attractive, which makes for a pleasant neighbourhood in which to live, but do come with restrictions.  So should you buy a house in a conservation area?

You should buy a house in a conservation area if you are happy to live with the restrictions in place regarding maintenance and improvement works.  If you feel the restrictions will prevent you from having the home of your dreams, you should purchase a property outside a conservation area.

The main reason why people choose to move into a conservation area is because they like the idea of living in a quiet neighbourhood where they won’t hear traffic noise from busy roads. This means that you’ll get peace and tranquillity at home.

But are there any downsides to paying premium prices for the privilege?

What is a Conservation Area?

 A conservation area is an area of land that has been designated by the local authority as being of special architectural or historic interest. This means that any development within the conservation area must be carefully controlled in order to preserve its character and appearance.

If you are considering buying a property in a conservation area, it is important to be aware of the restrictions that this may place on your ability to make changes to your home. 

There are many types of conservation areas, including those that protect historical buildings, nature reserves, parks and green spaces. Some are even found within cities.

Section 69 of Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 gives local councils the authority to designate specific areas of land as Conservation Areas that are considered ‘of special architectural of historic interest, the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’.

An area can be designated for its buildings or architecture, parks and greens, trees or open spaces, or specific features such as windows, guttering or roofing. The assessment will apply to a group of buildings in the area rather than an individual property.

After the designation has been made, the local authority will then develop and enforce policies to protect and enhance the desirable features of the area. Every Conservation Area varies in this respect, while local residents will be consulted over any new restrictions and limitations to be introduced.

There are around 8,000 Conservation Areas in England alone, many of which cover residential areas. If the property you are thinking of buying is in a Conservation Area, this will be made clear by the estate agent.

Your conveyancing solicitor will provide further specific information about the nature of the Conservation Area and the possible implication for property ownership.

How does living in a conservation area affect my home’s value?

Conservation areas are generally older neighbourhoods that don’t see many changes over time. This means there are fewer new developments in those areas.  There are a few things to consider when it comes to the value of your home if you live in a conservation area.

One is that there may be restrictions on what changes or additions you can make to your property, which could impact its resale value down the line.  For example, you may not be permitted to fit a satellite dish or build an extension, which in non-conservation areas would help you increase the value of the property.

Additionally, properties in conservation areas tend to appreciate more slowly than those in other areas, so it’s important to factor that into your investment strategy.

On the plus side, living in a conservation area usually means being part of a community with like-minded people who care about preserving the character of their neighbourhood, and that has its own intrinsic value.

What does this mean for homeowners?

It’s important to recognise that there are significant implications of buying a house a designated Conservation Area.

Properties in a Conservation Area are likely to have restrictions with regard to maintenance and improvement works that can be carried out in so far as they affect the exterior appearance of the property.

These restrictions will be specific to the character of your Conservation Area and can apply to replacement windows, roofing, guttering and fencing, exterior paint colours and much more.

As a result, any repairs, improvements or extensions are likely to take longer, require local council consent and cost more.

In practical terms, stricter planning controls will apply to a whole range of home improvements and building works.

You may be unable to alter the appearance of your house in the way that you want to, and even minor changes may not be allowed.

For instance, while there shouldn’t be a problem converting the loft, you may not be able to insert a Velux window into a street-facing roof.

Generally protected items such as windows, doors or roofs will obviously require repair and/or replacement over time, but you may well need to find a specialist supplier to deal with these features to comply with Conservation Area regulations.

Repairing a rotten period sash window , for instance, will be more costly than a uPVC replacement.

Depending on individual council policies, developing a building in a Conservation Area can be subject to Article 4 Directions , meaning Permitted Development Rights are removed and planning permission must always be obtained prior to any works being carried out.

When it comes to demolishing a building in a Conservation Area, failure to obtain proper planning permission constitutes a criminal offence.

The pros and cons of living in a conservation area

While some potential property purchasers may be put off by these restrictions, many people find that the limitations are outweighed by the benefits of owning a historic and architecturally valuable property asset.

On the plus side, homes in these areas tend to hold their value well and can appreciate at a higher rate than those not located in conservation areas.

This is due to the fact that development is often restricted in these areas, meaning there are fewer properties available on the market.

This can make it easier for buyers to find properties that fit their budget and needs as there as more limited options available.

Another advantage is that many people see living in a conservation area as an investment in protecting Britain’s heritage – something which adds emotional value to owning a home there.

What’s more, the additional planning controls can work in your favour, ensuring that home improvements as well as new development in the area is of good quality and will preserve the character of the neighbourhood.

However, there are also some downsides associated with living inside one of these zones.  For example, residents may have less control over what happens to their property than those outside such an area (e.g., they may need planning permission for even small alterations).

What should I check before buying a home in a conservation area?

Some things that potential homeowners should check before buying a home in a conservation area include:

  • Researching the restrictions that come with living in a conservation area. This includes everything from what you can and cannot do to your property, to whether or not you are allowed to rent it out.
  • Checking if there are any planned changes or developments happening near the conservation area which could potentially impact your quality of life.
  • Asking neighbours about their experiences living in the conservation area – this will give you a good idea of what day-to-day life is like.

It’s important you feel comfortable that any restrictions in place will not compromise your property dream.

How Does Living in a Conservation Area Affect Home Maintenance?

Living in a conservation area can be challenging when it comes to home maintenance. Strict regulations often limit the types of renovations and repairs that can be done. However, there are still tips for home maintenance you can follow to ensure your home stays in top condition while respecting the area’s restrictions.

Are Conservation Areas More Likely to Have Restrictions on Property Upgrades, Including Bathroom Fixtures?

Conservation areas often have restrictions on property upgrades, including bathroom fixtures, to preserve the historical or environmental integrity of the area. Before making any changes, it’s important to check with local regulations to ensure compliance. This may include limitations on items such as shower and bath comparison in rental properties.

Final thoughts

Clearly, if you are attracted to a particular property in a Conservation Area, you’ll be interested in preserving the charm and character of the surrounding area as a whole and wouldn’t dream of doing anything detrimental. Rather than feeling compromised by the limitations on what you can do to the building, they will act as a safeguard to protect the desirability of the entire area.

Living in a Conservation Area also means a sense of shared values among the neighbourhood. After all, other homeowners are likely to be equally passionate about preserving the special character of the area.

More often than not, there’s a community spirit with everyone pulling together to take pride in the preservation of a historic area of Britain.

Finally, it should not be forgotten that properties in a Conservation Area are more likely to retain their value, even during periods of economic downturn, while commanding premium prices compared to non-restricted areas nearby.

Many home buyers actively seek out period properties, stating a preference for original features and architecture as a priority.

If you sell a property with period features intact and the original character of the building preserved, situated in a Conservation Area that values its architectural and historical integrity, your asset will always be in demand, with higher sale prices to match.

Living in a conservation area definitely has its pros and cons, but it ultimately comes down to what the homeowner is looking for.

If they want to be in an area that is well-maintained and offers protection for their home’s value, then a conservation area may be ideal.

However, if the potential homeowner wants more freedom with renovations or are worried about added restrictions, living outside of a conservation area might be better suited.


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