How to Create a Gaming and Streaming Room

One of the most surprising gaming trends in recent times has been the popularity of streaming content creators. Rather than using our free time to actually play a game, millions of us are taking the decision to hop onto a platform like Twitch and watch other people play games.

Some streamers are able to attract vast audiences. Others have a more niche following. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, you’ll probably want to do your streaming in a space that’s been designed to get you into the right mood.

Make it safe

While health and safety might not be the first thing you consider when you’re playing games for long periods, it’s a consideration that’ll become increasingly important as you get older. Invest in a quality chair that’s been designed with ergonomics in mind. Don’t bother with those flashy gaming chairs with bucket seats; you’re a streamer, not a racing driver.

Get everything set up with ergonomics in mind, and make sure that all your cables are tidied such that you won’t trip over them when you get up.

Get the lighting right

Ideally, your streaming room should provide you with a combination of lighting sources. This should include some natural light, which makes the right windows and skylights arguably the most important lighting feature.

Fashionable among gamers now are LED strip lights. Some of these can be rigged to your machine, such that the room changes colour according to the onscreen action. These can be expensive, however; often, you can achieve great results with simple indoor fairy lights.

Remember that if you’re streaming, you’ll also need to ensure that your face is adequately lit. The glow from your display isn’t enough.

Add the right décor

If you have a backdrop that looks attractive, without being distracting, then you’ll be able to draw in more viewers. You can display your allegiance to a particular fandom – or, give people an at-a-glance idea of what your preferences are. You can find high-quality posters and paintings online. Or, if you’re making serious money from your streaming, you can get something commissioned just for the purpose.

Plan your layout

You’ll want to think about where everything is going to be located, and where your various machines will be set up. You want to minimise the length of cable between your gaming devices and your displays. While HDMI cables can be several metres long before you run into problems, other technologies like DisplayPort are a little more restrictive.

Get some plants

If you’re going to be spending a lot of time in this room, then it’s worth investing in a few houseplants. They’ll bolster your mood, and give you something natural to look at.


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