Landlord legal expenses explained

Landlord legal expenses explained

Every good landlord worth his or her salt will have considered the benefits of legal cover or insurance before letting their property to tenants or placing it in the hands of an agent. While nobody wants to think about the possibility of lengthy disputes, rising legal...
Conveyancing Myths – Busted!

Conveyancing Myths – Busted!

  Buying or selling a house is a very significant milestone in your life, and quite naturally, everyone would like to have a smooth experience throughout the whole conveyancing process. Below are a few common conveyancing myths that we have busted for you, along...
Gas Safety – Protect your tenants!

Gas Safety – Protect your tenants!

  Many of us know the dreaded feeling of a boiler breakdown and many of us know how frustrating it can be. Not only are we cold (especially as these things always seem to happen in winter!) but we’ve also got the added worry of spending a ton of money...