Young Landlords Most Likely To Give Tenants Support During The Cost Of Living Crisis

Are you a landlord struggling to support your tenants during these tough economic times? You’re not alone. Recent research has revealed that young landlords are the most likely to provide support to their tenants during the cost of living crisis.

Read on to find out more about how landlords can help their tenants, and what benefits a positive landlord-tenant relationship can bring.

Key Takeaways

  • Over half (57%) of landlords aged between 18 and 24 would provide support to tenants during the cost of living crisis if asked.
  • The percentage of landlords who would support tenants decreases with age, with only 40% of property owners aged 55 and above saying they would support their tenants.
  • Tenants have a different perception of the support available, with only a fifth (21%) believing their landlords would support them if asked.
  • Communication is considered the most important factor in a good landlord-tenant relationship, with over half (51%) of landlords and two-thirds (68%) of tenants agreeing on this.

Overview of the Cost of Living Crisis

With inflation rising and the cost of food at its highest rate in 45 years, young landlords are the most likely to provide support to their tenants during the cost of living crisis. This crisis has caused significant hardship to those in the private rental sector, with 45% of tenants feeling anxious and depressed about how they will pay their rent.

To better understand the causes and effects of the cost of living crisis, as well as the government response and tenant experiences, it’s important to look at the attitudes of landlords.

From Uswitch’s buy-to-let mortgages survey, 57% of 18-24 year-old landlords answered ‘yes’ when asked if they would reduce or freeze rent or make energy efficient upgrades around the home. Unfortunately, only a fifth of tenants (21%) believe their landlords would definitely support them if approached. The number of ‘no’ responses steadily increased with each age group, with 12% of 45-54 year-olds and 10% of 55+ year-olds saying they would not support their tenants during the crisis.

Overall, communication appears to be the most important factor in a successful landlord-tenant relationship, with nearly half (47%) of landlords and two thirds (68%) of tenants believing it to be the key. It’s clear that a positive relationship between landlord and tenant is mutually beneficial, with tenants more likely to consider extending their contract and accepting a rent increase if they have a good rapport.

To support tenants during the cost of living crisis, landlords can keep in regular contact with their tenants, help them keep the property in its best condition, and invest in the energy efficiency of their home. Doing so will ensure that tenants are able to come back to a home in good condition and have one less thing to worry about during this difficult time.

It’s clear that young landlords are the most likely to support their tenants during the cost of living crisis, and that communication is the key to a successful landlord-tenant relationship. With that in mind, landlords can take steps to help their tenants through this difficult time.

Landlords’ Attitudes Towards Tenants

Communication is key to a successful landlord-tenant relationship, so take the time to talk with your tenants to understand how you can best support them during the cost of living crisis. Young landlords are the most likely to provide positive support, with 57% of 18-24 year-olds saying ‘yes’ to reducing or freezing rent, or making energy efficient upgrades.

However, age differences become apparent with this figure dropping to 40% for landlords aged 55 and over. Tenants also have different expectations of support, with only a fifth (21%) believing their landlord would be willing to help them out if asked, compared to the nearly half (47%) of landlords who would. This discrepancy could be attributed to the conditional nature of support, depending on the current relationship with the landlord.

It’s also important to note that communication is the most important factor for both landlords and tenants. Honesty, upkeep of the property and rent increases may also play a role, but it’s only through open dialogue that a landlord-tenant relationship can be successful.

Tenants’ Perception of Support Available

Tenants’ expectations of support from landlords during the cost of living crisis differ markedly from landlords’. Only 21% of tenants believe they would be supported if asked, while 47% of landlords say they would provide assistance. The age differences in attitudes towards landlord support are particularly stark. Among 18-24 year-olds, 57% answered ‘yes’, compared to 40% of those aged 55+.

Communication is also seen as a crucial factor in landlord-tenant relationships. Over half of all landlords (51%) and two thirds of all tenants (68%) agree that communication is important.

The benefits of a positive landlord-tenant relationship are clear. While 36% of tenants would consider extending their contract and accepting a rent increase, only 20% don’t believe they would get support based on their relationship with their landlord.

Moreover, Uswitch buy-to-let mortgages expert, Kellie Steed, suggests regular communication, helping tenants keep the property in its best condition, and investing in energy-efficiency upgrades as ways landlords can support their tenants.

Benefits of a Positive Landlord-Tenant Relationship

A positive landlord-tenant relationship can bring many benefits. For example, tenants may consider extending their contract and accepting a rent increase, while landlords can provide support during the cost of living crisis.

Communication is one of the most important aspects in building trust and mutual understanding between a landlord and tenant. Being honest and open with each other sets the tone for a positive, successful relationship. Landlords should be aware of their responsibilities and ensure they are providing a safe and comfortable environment for their tenants. Likewise, tenants should be respectful of their landlord’s property and provide feedback on any issues, while adhering to the terms of their agreement.

The importance of communication between a landlord and tenant is highlighted by both parties. Over two-thirds of tenants (68%) and over half of landlords (51%) believe it to be the most important factor in a successful relationship. A tenant’s satisfaction with their landlord can be improved by providing a good communication channel, and it can also help build trust between the two parties.

The mutual benefits of a positive landlord-tenant relationship extend to the cost of living crisis. Tenants have almost double the expectation that their landlord will provide support if they ask (47%), compared to those who believe they would be denied (20%). This demonstrates how a good relationship can enable tenants to receive the support they need, while landlords can be reassured that their tenants are taking responsibility for the terms of their agreement.

This highlights the importance of communication in creating a positive landlord-tenant relationship and how it can lead to mutual benefits, such as providing tenants with support during the cost of living crisis.

Communication as an Important Factor

Having an open and honest relationship between landlord and tenant is key to a successful landlord-tenant relationship. Communication is at the core of this relationship, with both parties needing to build trust in order to understand each other’s needs.

 Importance of CommunicationBuilding TrustTenant-Landlord Relationship
Open CommunicationEssentialCriticalCrucial
Effective CommunicationNecessaryVitalImperative
Two-way CommunicationFundamentalValuableIndispensable
Quality CommunicationRequiredCrucialEssential
Clear CommunicationSignificantEssentialImperative

It is important for landlords and tenants to communicate openly and effectively, both for the benefit of their relationship and the successful upkeep of the property. Establishing a two-way communication line is fundamental for both parties to understand each other’s needs, and quality communication is necessary to ensure that expectations are met and maintained. Clear communication is also of great significance, as it encourages mutual respect and understanding.

Without open lines of communication, it is difficult for a successful landlord-tenant relationship to flourish.

Advice for Landlords on Supporting Tenants

It is important for landlords to provide relief to their tenants during the cost of living crisis. Whether it be a reduction or freeze in rent, energy efficient upgrades to the home, or financial relief options, landlords should consider ways to assist tenants affected by the crisis.

Open communication is key to a successful landlord-tenant relationship, and should be seen as an opportunity to discuss potential support strategies.

When discussing financial relief options, landlords should consider reducing or freezing rent, deferring rent, or offering other payment plans. These options could help to reduce the financial burden on tenants during the crisis. Additionally, energy efficient upgrades to the home could provide tenants with more financial relief, as well as improve the overall quality of the property, creating a win-win situation.

It is important for landlords to be honest and transparent with tenants. Open communication between the two parties helps to build trust, and encourages tenants to speak to their landlord if they are having difficulty paying rent. By maintaining an open dialogue, landlords can develop strategies that work for both parties, and ensure that tenants feel supported during the cost of living crisis.

Ultimately, it is up to landlords to provide the necessary support to their tenants during the cost of living crisis. By offering financial relief options, as well as energy efficient upgrades, landlords can help to reduce the financial burden of tenants, while also improving the quality of their property. Most importantly, landlords should maintain open communication with their tenants in order to build trust and develop tenant support strategies.


As the cost of living crisis continues to affect tenants, it is more important than ever for landlords to provide support. Young landlords are the most likely to do so, but it’s important that all landlords are aware of the need to communicate with their tenants.

By adopting a positive, supportive attitude, landlords can help their tenants through the crisis and build long-lasting relationships.

So, landlords, if you have tenants in need, don’t hesitate to reach out and offer your support. It could make all the difference.


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