Garden Dilemmas

If you live in a suburb, it can be difficult to know what to do with your garden that can be seen from the street. There is the question of if you should keep this similar to your neighbors or if you should do your own thing. Obviously, it is entirely your choice. However, some people really struggle to make the decision. 

If all of the gardens in a new housing development look the same, being the first house to do something different will really stand out. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing, and there are numerous ways for you to make big or small changes to help your garden stand out and better reflect your style. 

Changing the Lawn

A very easy way to make your garden different from those of your neighbors is to change the lawn area. This can be as simple or elaborate a process as you want it to be. You could plant flowers or place plant pots with flowers, trees, or small bushes within your garden, too. 

Bordering your lawn to plant wildflowers is also something that will look attractive and will also help local wildlife. With reduced amounts of green spaces, insects and bees are struggling to find places to survive, so wildflowers will benefit them, too. 

If planting flowers is not your kind of thing, you may consider potted plants that can be purchased already planted and will grow over time outside. This can be a lovely way to frame your doorway, edge a driveway, or make a small featured area within the garden. 

Alternatively, you may choose to remove your natural lawn and replace it with an artificial lawn. Artificial lawn is a brilliant alternative to natural grass if you live in an area that has extreme temperatures or where the temperature does not often fluctuate. 

In areas such as this, it is very difficult to keep a natural lawn healthy and green, so if a green lawn area is something you want to sit and enjoy, an artificial lawn may be the best way to go. 

Garden Furniture

Which type of garden furniture to include in your street-facing garden can also be a difficult decision. This may depend on how secure your garden and the surrounding area are if you do not wish to put too much in the street-facing area. 

You again have several options for garden furniture. You may choose lightweight furniture that you can put out in the garden when you wish to use it. This option will be dependent on you having enough space to store the furniture between use. 

Lightweight furniture means you can keep it in better condition during weather changes, and if you live in an area that gets a lot of rainfall, the materials will not be damaged by the weather. This type of furniture also means you can move it easily around your garden depending on where the sun or shade is each day. 

Lightweight furniture is not something you would typically leave out in an open street-facing garden, though, as it is easy to remove by passersby.

Instead, you may choose a heavier build of furniture that would not be so easy to remove and more noticeable if someone tried to do so. Solidly built wooden furniture is much heavier if someone tries to lift or remove it.

If you choose a heavier furniture type, you should keep in mind that you will also not be able to move this easily. Being unable to move the furniture easily means you will need to look for a way to protect your outdoor furniture from the elements. 

Providing you are able to find a way to protect outdoor furniture from the weather in your area, there is another option for your outdoor furniture. You could choose to purchase furniture that can be sunk into the ground in cement or screwed into the ground to keep it in place. 

This option is not for everyone and may not be the best option, especially in rented accommodation. However, it is a great option for those who have a clear vision of how they wish their garden to be. 

Driveway Options

If you do not wish to change your garden or if you have changed this to fit what you want it to be, another option is to change your driveway. Most housing developments have uniform driveways, so little changes can make a big impact in showing your individual style. 

You may choose to change the style, shape, or color of the paving stones that have been used to create the driveway. This is a great way to make your driveway stand out from your neighbors. 

Edging your driveway is another option with either different paving or plants and bushes. If you do not change the paving when you create the edging, you will lose part of your garden area and will need to ensure that you remain within your property boundaries. 

Edging with a contrasting paving stone gives you more walkway to get to your property, which, if you have a small driveway, will stop you from having to walk on the lawn in the rain to get inside. 

Alternatively, you may choose to install a resin driveway instead of paving stones. Resin driveways have become increasingly popular recently due to the durability of the material. Resin is far less likely to crack than a paving stone and can be installed in any climate. 

If you are interested in a resin driveway or have not heard of this and would like more information, a search such as resin driveways Durham will bring up any installers in that area. We recommend that you look into companies in your local area to avoid higher installation costs based on the distance to your property. 

Whichever way you choose to change the outdoor space of your home, you have many options to make the space suit your needs and style perfectly. Changing your garden makes it more appealing to spend evenings in the sun. 


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