Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)

Energy Performance Certificates have been introduced to help the Energy Efficiency of a building, from 1st October 2008 when a building is constructed, sold or rented an EPC is required. 

Of course we all want our properties to be as efficient as possible.

By April 2018, it will be illegal to rent out a property with an F or a G Energy Performance Certificate rating.

Two years after that in 2020, the minimum requirement of an E or above rated property will apply to both new and existing lets and by 2025 all rental properties will have to have a rating of D or above.

By 2030, the government have set the target that all rental properties have to be at least a C energy efficiency rating.

Energy Performance

An EPC provides a summary of the Energy Performance Certificates of the property in relation to construction, heating and hot water. An EPC for both commercial and residential property is based on a visual inspection and carried out by accredited inspectors. An EPC is always accompanied by a recommendation report with a list of cost effective measures to improve the Energy rating of your building. An EPC will be valid for 10 years, produced using standard methods and assumptions about Energy use so that the Energy efficiency of a building can be compared to another of the same type.

As from 4th January 2010, all commercial and residential properties must have an EPC if they are to remain on the market. Fines imposed will range up to 12.5% of the rateable value of the building, plus further charges up to £5000.

Ethical and Moral Issues

The need for an EPC has been brought about by legislation introduced by the Government in an attempt to slow down global warming. Housing equates to 29% of Energy use in the UK, which is more than the combined total of transport, including cars, planes and trains. Commercial building us is approximately 19%.


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