Do i have to allow pets in my rental property?

As a landlord, one common question that often arises is whether you are legally obligated to allow pets in your rental property. The decision to allow or restrict pets in your rental property ultimately depends on your personal preferences and local regulations.

It depends on the rental property’s policy. Some landlords may allow tenants to have pets, while others may not. It’s important to check the rental agreement or speak with the landlord before bringing a pet into a rental property.

Where landlords allow pets they may require an additional pet deposit to cover any potential damage. In Wales and Scotland, landlords can request an additional deposit for pets on top of the tenancy deposit.

In the United Kingdom, there is no specific nationwide law that requires landlords to allow pets in their rental properties. This means that as a landlord, you have the right to establish your own pet policy for your property. However, it is important to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of allowing pets, as well as the demand for pet-friendly rentals in your area.

Allowing pets in your rental property can attract a larger pool of prospective tenants, as many people own pets and prefer to rent in pet-friendly accommodations. However, it is crucial to set clear guidelines and establish rules to ensure responsible pet ownership and prevent any property damage that may be caused by pets.

If you decide to restrict pets in your rental property, it is advisable to clearly state this in your tenancy agreement. However, it’s important to note that certain exceptions may apply, such as allowing tenants with assistance animals or service dogs as per the Equality Act 2010.

In summary, while you are not legally obligated to allow pets in your rental property in the UK, carefully considering the advantages and disadvantages can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your investment goals and the demand in your local rental market.

Why do so many rental properties enforce ‘no pet’ policies?

As a renter, it can be frustrating to search for properties with that perfect blend of location, size and amenities, only to find that many of them have “no pets allowed” policies. This raises a natural question, why do so many rental properties enforce this rule?

One reason for “no pet” policies in rental properties is to protect the property owner’s interests. For example, cats, such as the Siamese cat, are known to be highly energetic and if they don’t have an outlet for this energy they will find their own. This means pets can cause damage, whether through urine marking, scratches or chewing, and this is especially problematic if you’re renting fully furnished.

Even if you’re not providing the furniture, they can increase wear and tear on the property, which may result in more maintenance costs for the landlord.

According to a survey among 755 residential landlords based in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019, more than half of respondents have had disputes with their tenants. Nevertheless, 35 percent of landlords experienced disagreements once or less than once a year. Most often, disputes were over arrears, cleanliness, pets, subletting or breakages.

Statista Research Department, June 3, 2021

Another reason is that many people are allergic to pets, especially dogs and cats. A landlord who rents a property to someone with a pet may have to deal with complaints from subsequent tenants who are allergic to the pet. This can lead to a legal issue if the landlord does not take appropriate action to resolve the complaints.

Additionally, pets can be a source of noise disturbance. Dogs are known for barking, and even cats can cause noise disturbances, especially at night. This can lead to complaints from neighbors, and potentially even legal action if the noise is excessive.

Overall, while it can be frustrating to prospective renters with pets, there are valid reasons why rental properties enforce “no pet” policies. If you are a pet owner, it is important to be upfront about your pets and their behavior when looking for rental properties. This can help avoid disappointment and wasted time on properties that are unlikely to fit your needs.

Pros and Cons of Allowing Pets in Your Rental Property

As a rental property owner, the question of whether to allow pets can be a tricky one. On one hand, opening your doors to furry companions can attract a larger pool of potential tenants and increase demand for your property. This, in turn, can lead to higher rental income and reduced vacancy periods.

On the other hand, concerns about potential damage, noise disturbances, and the responsibility of pet ownership may make you hesitant to approve pet owners. To determine the answer, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons.

Consider the specific animal in question, as not all pets are the same. Responsible pet owners who prioritize their pet’s well-being and are committed to proper care and maintenance can be a valuable asset to your rental property. Let’s consider the advantages and disadvantages of allowing pets in your rental property.


  • Attract More Tenants – Allowing pets in your rental property can attract more tenants. Many people have pets and are looking for a home that will allow them to bring their furry friends along. By allowing pets, you’ll have a larger pool of potential renters to choose from, which can help you find the right tenant more quickly.
  • Increase Tenant Loyalty – If you allow pets in your rental property, your tenants are more likely to stay for a longer period of time. Many pet owners have a difficult time finding a rental property that allows pets, so if you allow pets, your tenants will be more likely to stay put. This can save you time and money on turnover costs.
  • Charge Higher Rent – You can charge higher rent for a rental property that allows pets. Many pet owners are willing to pay more to have their furry friends with them. By allowing pets, you can increase your rental income and make your rental property more profitable.
  • Boost Property Value – Allowing pets can also boost the value of your rental property. Pet owners are often willing to pay more for a property that allows pets, which can increase the overall value of your property. This can be especially beneficial if you’re looking to sell the property in the future.
  • Create a Positive Atmosphere – Allowing pets in your rental property can create a positive atmosphere. Pets can bring joy and happiness to tenants and can make a rental property feel more like a home. This can lead to happier tenants, which can make your job as a landlord easier.


  • Property Damage – Pets can cause significant damage to rental property. They may scratch floors, chew on furniture, or have accidents that leave stains and odors. Even well-behaved pets can cause damage over time, so it’s important to consider the potential cost of repairs and replacement when deciding whether to allow pets.
  • Noise Complaints – Pets can also be noisy, which can lead to complaints from neighbors. Dogs may bark or whine, while cats may scratch at doors or meow loudly. This can be especially problematic in multi-unit buildings, where noise can easily travel between units.
  • Liability Concerns – Allowing pets in rental property can also increase your liability as a landlord. If a pet bites or attacks someone on your property, you could be held responsible for any injuries or damages. This could result in costly legal fees and even a lawsuit.
  • Difficult to Find Tenants – Some tenants may be hesitant to rent a property that allows pets due to concern about allergies, which could make it more difficult to find tenants.
  • Additional Costs – Above we mentioned that allowing pets in rental property may give you the option to earn more via monthly pet fees. However this is also a negative as extra charges can be a burden for tenants, especially if they have multiple pets or are already struggling to make ends meet, and can be may end up reducing the number of applicants you have.

While there are certainly benefits to allowing pets in rental property, it’s important to carefully consider the potential drawbacks as well. By weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about whether allowing pets is right for your rental property.

What is the newly proposed pet protection bill and how will it affect renters and landlords?

The newly proposed pet protection bill is designed to enhance the rights of renters to have pets, while at the same time providing clear guidelines for landlords on what is acceptable pet behavior in their rental properties.

The bill aims to ensure that renters are no longer prohibited from keeping pets by their landlords and that landlords are no longer required to pay for animal-related damage to their properties that is caused by tenants.

Pet owners will be required to pay an additional pet deposit, which will be used to cover any pet-related damage caused to the rental property. Additionally, the bill includes a provision that requires landlords to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities who have service or emotional support animals.

The proposed legislation has the potential to significantly improve the lives of many renters who are pet owners, while also clearly outlining the responsibilities of landlords when it comes to renting to tenants with pets. If the bill is passed, both renters and landlords will need to ensure they are familiar with its provisions, in order to remain compliant and avoid any legal issues.

Ensuring a Pet-Friendly Rental Process: Screening Applicants with Pets

It is important to have a screening process in place to ensure that tenants with pets are a good fit for your property.

tips for screening tenants with pets
Here are some tips on how to interview potential tenants who have pets:
Request a pet resume

A pet resume can help you understand the pet’s behavior, training, and vaccination records. It can also give you an idea of the pet’s size, breed, and age. Requesting a pet resume can help you screen out pets that may not be a good fit for your property.

Ask for references

Ask for references from previous landlords or neighbors who can attest to the pet’s behavior. This can help you gauge if the pet has a history of destructive behavior or excessive barking.

Set pet policies

Before allowing pets in your property, set clear pet policies. This can include restrictions on pet size, breed, and number of pets allowed. It can also include rules on where pets are allowed in the property and who is responsible for cleaning up after them. Make sure to communicate these policies clearly to potential tenants.

Meet the pet

Schedule a meeting with the potential tenant and their pet. This can help you assess the pet’s behavior and temperament. Observe the pet’s reaction to new surroundings and people.

Charge a pet deposit

Consider charging a pet deposit to cover any damages or extra cleaning costs. This can also serve as an incentive for tenants to take good care of their pets and ensure they do not cause any damages.

By implementing a thorough screening process, you can ensure that tenants with pets are a good fit for your property. This can help minimize potential damages and ensure a positive rental experience for both you and your tenants.

Final Thought

In conclusion, the proposed pet protection bill is a step in the right direction to help create pet-friendly properties and ensure that private landlords are no longer prohibited from allowing pets in their rental units.

This legislation can also provide clear guidelines for both tenants and landlords on how to handle pet ownership responsibly.

As a nation of animal lovers, we should strive to promote responsible pet ownership and create an atmosphere where both tenants with pets and private landlords can benefit.

By following the instructions outlined in this article, private landlords can take steps to ensure that the rental process for tenants with pets is as smooth as possible.

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