DIY or Delegate: Landlords’ Dilemma – Self-Management or Pro Management?

The decision to manage one’s own rental property or to hire a professional management company is a dilemma that landlords often face. The choice is not always straightforward, as it requires careful analysis and assessment of one’s capabilities, resources, and needs.

The choice between self-managing properties or hiring a management company depends on costs, time, effort, and legal knowledge. Self-management saves money but requires significant time and effort. A management company reduces stress but adds costs.

So whether a landlord should manage their own properties or hire a professional management company really depends on various factors. Managing properties on your own can save money on management fees but requires significant time and effort whereas hiring a professional management company removes the workload associated with property management but comes with additional costs.

Landlords should consider their experience, availability, and willingness to handle all aspects of property management before making a decision.

While some landlords may prefer to manage their own properties to save on costs and maintain complete control over their investments, others may find it more convenient and practical to delegate property management to a professional company.

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of managing one’s own property versus hiring a management company, and provide insights and considerations to help landlords make an informed decision that aligns with their goals and priorities.

Pros and Cons of Managing Your Own Property

Managing one’s own property can provide greater control over the property, but it also requires more time, effort, and knowledge of the legal and financial aspects of property management.

Property owners who choose to manage their own properties have the flexibility to make decisions about maintenance, tenant selection, and rent levels, without having to consult with a third-party management company. Additionally, they may save money on management fees and other expenses associated with hiring a professional management company.

However, managing one’s own property requires a significant time commitment and comes with legal responsibilities that should not be taken lightly. Property owners will need to be available to handle emergencies, maintenance requests, and tenant issues, which can be time-consuming and stressful.

Additionally, property owners must comply with state and federal laws regarding fair housing, eviction procedures, and lease agreements, which can be complex and confusing without proper knowledge and experience.

Overall, the decision to manage one’s own property should be made based on factors such as the owner’s time availability, knowledge of property management, and comfort level with legal responsibilities. While managing one’s own property can provide greater control and potentially save money, it also requires a significant time commitment and legal responsibility.

Property owners should carefully consider these factors before making a decision on whether to manage their own properties or hire a professional management company.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Management Company

Hiring a professional property management company provides landlords with access to a team of experts who have the knowledge and experience to handle various tasks effectively.

Such tasks include marketing properties to potential tenants and screening them thoroughly to ensure they meet the required rental criteria.

Additionally, professional management companies are well-equipped to handle emergencies and ensure that lease agreements are executed correctly, minimizing legal risks for the landlord.

Access to a Team of Experts

By partnering with a professional property management company, landlords gain access to a team of experts in various fields, such as accounting, legal, and maintenance, who work collaboratively to ensure the smooth operation of the property.

Expertise diversity is one of the key benefits of working with a property management company, as it ensures that all aspects of property management are handled by professionals with the requisite skills and experience. For example, a property management company may have an accountant to handle financial management, a legal expert to handle lease agreements, and a maintenance team to handle repairs and maintenance.

Another advantage of working with a property management company is that they stay up-to-date with industry trends and updates, ensuring that landlords are always compliant with the latest regulations. Property management companies are well-versed in local, state, and federal laws that govern property management, including tenant rights, eviction laws, and fair housing laws.

By keeping abreast of these regulations, property management companies can help landlords avoid legal issues and potential lawsuits. Additionally, property management companies can leverage their industry connections and resources to ensure that landlords get the best prices for services, such as repairs and maintenance, which can save landlords time and money in the long run.

Marketing and Tenant Screening

One key aspect of successful property management is effective marketing and thorough tenant screening. Marketing strategies employed by professionals can help to ensure that a property is visible to potential tenants. This can involve the use of online listings, social media, and even traditional advertising methods such as flyers and signs.

Professional managers can also provide valuable insight into the local rental market, allowing landlords to price their properties appropriately and attract tenants who are willing to pay fair market rent. Tenant background checks are another important aspect of property management that professionals can provide.

These checks can help to ensure that tenants are reliable and have a history of paying rent on time. Professionals can also perform credit checks and verify employment and rental history, which can help to minimize the risk of renting to tenants who may be unreliable or have a history of damaging property.

By outsourcing these tasks to professionals, landlords can ensure that they are making informed decisions about who to rent to and minimize the risk of costly mistakes.

Handling Emergencies and Lease Agreements

Effective property management involves a thorough understanding of lease agreements and the ability to handle emergencies in a timely and efficient manner. Emergency response is a critical aspect of property management, as it can have a significant impact on the safety and well-being of the tenants.

Landlords who manage their properties themselves should have a plan in place for handling emergencies, such as fires, water damage, or other disasters. This plan should include clear instructions for tenants on what to do in case of an emergency and a system for notifying emergency services and maintenance personnel. Additionally, landlords should have a network of reliable contractors and service providers who can be called upon in case of an emergency.

Lease negotiation is another important aspect of property management. Landlords should be skilled negotiators who can draft lease agreements that protect their interests while still being fair to tenants. Lease agreements should clearly outline the responsibilities of both parties, including rent payments, maintenance and repair obligations, and termination procedures.

Landlords who manage their properties themselves should also be familiar with local and state laws governing landlord-tenant relationships, as well as fair housing regulations. By staying up-to-date on their legal obligations and negotiating leases that protect their interests, landlords can avoid potential disputes with tenants and ensure that their properties are well-maintained and profitable.

Tenants rely on their landlords to handle emergencies promptly and efficiently, and failure to do so can result in serious consequences. Effective emergency response can help landlords maintain good relationships with their tenants and protect their reputation in the community. A well-drafted lease agreement can help landlords avoid disputes with tenants and ensure that their properties are well-maintained. Landlords who are not skilled negotiators may struggle to draft lease agreements that protect their interests while still being fair to tenants. Familiarity with local and state laws governing landlord-tenant relationships is essential for landlords who manage their properties themselves.

Considerations Before Making a Decision

When considering whether to manage their own properties or hire a professional management company, landlords should take into account several key factors.

One of the most important considerations is the size and location of the property, as managing a large or distant property can be challenging and time-consuming.

Landlords should also assess their own availability and expertise, as managing a property requires a significant amount of time and knowledge.

Finally, budget is another crucial factor to consider, as hiring a professional management company can be more expensive but may ultimately provide better returns on investment.

Analyzing these practical and data-driven considerations can help landlords make an informed decision about whether to manage their own properties or enlist the help of a professional management company.

Property Size and Location

Properties located in high demand areas with numerous units may benefit from the services of a professional management company to ensure efficient management and maintenance.

Property value and neighbourhood demographics are important factors to consider when deciding whether to manage a property yourself or hire a management company. For example, if a property is located in an upscale neighborhood with high property values, the tenants may have higher expectations for the maintenance and upkeep of the property.

In this case, a professional management company may be better equipped to handle the demands of the tenants and ensure the property is well-maintained.

Market trends and rental demand are also important considerations when deciding whether to manage a property yourself or hire a professional management company. If the rental market is highly competitive and there is high demand for rental properties, a professional management company may be able to help maximize rental income by setting competitive rental rates and attracting quality tenants.

In contrast, if the rental market is stagnant and there is low demand for rental properties, it may be more cost-effective to manage the property yourself to minimize expenses. Overall, the decision to manage a property yourself or hire a professional management company should be based on a thorough analysis of the property’s location, value, and market trends.

Landlord’s Availability and Expertise

In the previous subtopic, we discussed how the size and location of a property can impact a landlord’s decision whether to manage their own property or hire a professional management company. However, another key factor that should be considered is the landlord’s availability and expertise.

When it comes to managing a property, landlords need to have a certain level of availability and expertise to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This includes being able to handle tenant concerns, performing routine maintenance tasks, and staying up-to-date with local laws and regulations. For landlords who have other full-time jobs or obligations, managing a property can be a daunting task that requires a significant amount of time and effort.

Here are some key bullet points to consider when thinking about a landlord’s availability and expertise:

  • Landlords who are not knowledgeable about property management may struggle to handle certain situations that arise, such as tenant disputes or emergency repairs.
  • Landlords who have limited availability may struggle to respond to tenant concerns in a timely manner, which can lead to dissatisfaction and potentially even legal issues.
  • Hiring a professional management company can help alleviate these issues by providing expertise and availability that landlords may not have on their own.
  • Ultimately, it is up to each individual landlord to determine whether they have the necessary availability and expertise to manage their own property effectively.


The budget allocated for property management is a crucial aspect that needs to be carefully considered when deciding whether to manage properties oneself or to hire a professional management company. Landlords need to evaluate the costs involved in both scenarios and determine which option provides the most value for their money.

A property management service is typically charged as a percentage of your rental rate and can range from 4% up to 24% depending on the property size and location.

This cost would cover several categories such as administrative costs, maintenance costs, and vacancy costs. What you gain back from paying this is the time it takes to do all the tasts yourself.

Outsourcing to a professional management company may sound be more expensive at first glance, but not only does it eliminates the time element, it also give you access to the management company resources and expertise to attract and retain tenants, thereby reducing vacancy costs. Ultimately, the decision to manage properties oneself or to hire a professional management company depends on the landlord’s budget and priorities.

Evaluating Your Property and Tenant Needs

Assessing the specific requirements of your property and tenants is essential in determining whether self-management or hiring a professional management company is the best option.

One critical factor to consider is tenant retention. If your property has high turnover rates, it may be beneficial to hire a professional management company to handle the tenant screening process.

Professional managers have access to more resources and can conduct thorough background checks to ensure that tenants are reliable and will stay for an extended period. Additionally, a professional management company can handle tenant complaints and issues, reducing the likelihood of tenants leaving due to poor management.

Another crucial factor to consider is property maintenance. If your property requires frequent repairs and maintenance, it may be more cost-effective to hire a professional management company. Professional managers have established relationships with contractors and can negotiate better prices for repairs and maintenance. They also have the expertise to handle maintenance issues promptly, reducing the risk of extensive damage to the property.

Overall, evaluating your property and tenant needs is essential in determining whether self-management or hiring a professional management company is the best option.

While self-management may seem like a cost-effective option, it may not be the most practical choice for properties with high turnover rates or frequent maintenance issues. On the other hand, professional management companies have the resources and expertise to handle these issues efficiently, ultimately leading to higher tenant retention rates and lower maintenance costs.

Finding the Right Management Company

Finding the right property management company is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of your rental properties, but it can be a daunting task.

Lastly, carefully reviewing the contract and understanding the fees associated with the services provided can help ensure that you are getting the best value for your investment.

Research and Referrals

To start your search, conducting thorough research and getting referrals from trusted sources can help narrow down potential candidates. If you don’t know any landlords, consider attending a networking event.

Researching and seeking referrals for property management companies is a crucial step in the decision-making process for landlords. There are a variety of research methods that landlords can use to evaluate potential management companies, including online reviews, industry organizations, and personal references.

By conducting thorough research, landlords can gain a better understanding of the services and fees offered by different companies, as well as their reputation in the industry.

In addition to research, seeking referrals from other landlords or industry professionals can also be a valuable tool in selecting a property management company. Referral sources may include real estate agents, attorneys, or other property owners in the area.

These referrals can provide landlords with firsthand experiences and insights into the quality of a management company’s services, communication, and overall satisfaction. Ultimately, a combination of research and referrals can help landlords make an informed decision about which property management company is the most effective choice for their rental properties.

Interviewing Potential Candidates

Once you have a list of potential companies, it’s important to interview them and ask relevant questions to gauge their experience, knowledge, and communication skills.

Conducting thorough interviews with potential property management candidates is essential to make sure you’ll feel comfortable working with them over a long period of time.

A useful approach to interviewing potential property management candidates is to create a table that helps to compare and contrast the various candidates. The table should have five rows and three columns. The first column should list the candidate’s name and contact information, while the second column should provide a summary of the candidate’s qualifications. The third column should list the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as any concerns or reservations about their suitability for the job. This approach will enable landlords to make an objective and informed decision about which candidate is the best fit for their property management needs.

Contract and Fees

There are various types of contracts that a landlord can choose from, including fixed-term contracts, periodic contracts, and rolling contracts.

Fixed-term contracts typically last for a specific amount of time, while periodic contracts are renewed at regular intervals, such as monthly or yearly.

Rolling contracts, on the other hand, continue indefinitely until either party decides to terminate the agreement. The type of contract that a landlord chooses will depend on their specific needs and preferences.

In addition to selecting a contract type, landlords will also need to determine a fee structure. Property management fees can be structured in different ways, such as a percentage of the rental income or a flat rate per property.

It is important to consider both the cost and the quality of service when selecting a candidate based on their fee structure. A higher fee may indicate a higher level of expertise and quality of service, but it is important to ensure that the fees are reasonable and in line with industry standards.

Ultimately, selecting a property management candidate with a suitable contract and fee structure can help landlords to ensure that their properties are managed effectively and efficiently.

Setting Expectations and Communication

Establishing clear expectations and maintaining open lines of communication between a landlord and tenants can help ensure smooth property management, whether done independently or through a professional company.

Effective communication is key in managing tenant expectations and resolving issues that may arise during their tenancy. This includes setting clear guidelines for rent payment, maintenance requests, and any other relevant policies. Tenants should also be made aware of their responsibilities, such as adhering to lease terms and keeping the property clean and well-maintained.

Addressing conflicts is another important aspect of setting expectations and maintaining communication. Whether it’s a dispute between tenants or a disagreement between the landlord and tenant, it’s important to have a clear and fair process in place for resolving conflicts. This can include mediation, arbitration, or other forms of dispute resolution. By having a plan in place, both landlords and tenants can feel more secure in their tenancy and avoid lengthy legal battles.

Establishing clear expectations and maintaining open lines of communication is crucial for successful property management. Whether a landlord chooses to manage their own properties or hire a professional management company, effective communication and conflict resolution are key to keeping tenants happy and avoiding legal issues. By setting clear guidelines and addressing conflicts promptly, landlords can create a positive rental experience for their tenants and ensure the longevity and profitability of their investment.

Key PointsLandlord ResponsibilityTenant Responsibility
Rent PaymentSet clear due date and payment methodsPay rent on time and in full
Maintenance RequestsProvide clear instructions for submitting requestsReport any issues promptly and follow up as needed
Conflict ResolutionHave a fair process in place and communicate it to tenantsCooperate with the conflict resolution process and follow through with any agreements made

If necessary, seek mediation or legal assistance to resolve disputes.

Monitoring Performance and Ensuring Quality

Monitoring the performance of a property management company is crucial to ensure that the landlord’s expectations are being met. Regular inspections of the property can identify any areas that require attention and help prevent potential issues from becoming larger problems.

Feedback and reviews from tenants can provide insight into their satisfaction with the property management company’s services, while contract renewal and termination can ensure that the landlord continues to receive quality services.

By implementing these strategies, landlords can ensure that their properties are well-maintained, and their tenants are satisfied.

Regular Inspections

Conducting routine property inspections is essential in ensuring the upkeep and maintenance of rental properties, regardless of whether the landlord decides to manage their own properties or hire a professional management company. Regular inspections allow landlords to identify potential issues before they become major problems, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs and minimizing the risk of tenant complaints.

The frequency of inspections may vary depending on the type of property and the number of units, but a general guideline is to conduct inspections at least twice a year. Additionally, inspections should be performed whenever a tenant moves out or in, or if there is a change in tenancy.

Benefits of preventative maintenance can also be achieved through regular inspections. By identifying and addressing minor issues early on, landlords can prevent these issues from escalating into major problems that would require significant repairs or replacements. This can save the landlord money and time in the long run, as well as improve the overall quality of the rental property.

Furthermore, regular inspections can help landlords maintain a good relationship with their tenants by demonstrating their commitment to providing a safe and comfortable living environment. Overall, regular inspections are a crucial aspect of property management, and should be conducted regardless of whether the landlord decides to manage their own properties or hire a professional management company.

Feedback and Reviews

One important aspect of property management involves soliciting and analyzing feedback and reviews from tenants to gauge their satisfaction with the rental property. This practice is crucial for landlords who want to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and ensure that their rental properties meet industry standards.

By asking for feedback and reviews, landlords can identify areas where improvements are needed and take action to address any concerns that tenants may have.

To ensure that feedback and reviews are collected in a timely and efficient manner, landlords can use a variety of tools and techniques. One approach is to send out regular surveys to tenants, asking them to rate various aspects of the rental property, such as cleanliness, maintenance, and overall satisfaction. Another option is to create an online portal where tenants can submit feedback and reviews at any time. Additionally, landlords can hold regular meetings with tenants to discuss any concerns they may have and address any issues that arise.

By using these tools and techniques, landlords can stay informed about the needs and concerns of their tenants and take action to ensure that their rental properties maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and meet industry standards.

Contract Renewal and Termination

The process of contract renewal and termination in property management can be a challenging and emotional experience for both landlords and tenants. Renewal negotiations require careful consideration of factors such as market conditions, tenant satisfaction, and potential rental income. It is important for landlords to evaluate the current market value of their property, the demand for rental units in the area, and the potential for rental income growth before deciding on the terms of a renewal contract.

Tenants, on the other hand, may have their own considerations such as the cost of rent, the length of the lease, and the flexibility of the renewal terms.

Early termination penalties are also an important consideration in contract renewal and termination. Landlords may impose penalties on tenants who break their lease agreement early, which can include forfeiture of security deposits or even legal action. However, it is also important for landlords to consider the reasons why a tenant may need to terminate their lease early, such as job transfers or personal emergencies. In such cases, landlords may choose to waive or reduce the early termination penalty as a gesture of goodwill, which can help maintain a positive relationship with tenants and minimize the risk of negative reviews or legal disputes.

Ultimately, the success of contract renewal and termination in property management depends on careful evaluation of market conditions, tenant needs, and the willingness of both parties to negotiate and compromise.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the decision to manage your own property or hire a professional management company requires careful consideration of the pros and cons of each option.

Property owners who choose to manage their own properties can benefit from greater control and flexibility over the management process, but they may also face challenges such as time constraints, tenant disputes, and legal compliance issues.

On the other hand, hiring a professional management company can offer numerous benefits, including access to experienced professionals, streamlined processes, and reduced workload.

To make an informed decision, property owners should evaluate their specific property and tenant needs, as well as the costs and benefits of each management option. They should also carefully screen potential management companies, set clear expectations and communication channels, and monitor performance to ensure quality management.

Ultimately, the choice between managing one’s own property or hiring a professional management company should be based on a thorough analysis of the unique factors involved, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.


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