5 Effective Ways to Protect Your Empty properties

Occasionally, you’ll find that you have no choice but to leave a property empty. A commercial tenant might suddenly go out of business and leave, or a new development nearby might make it challenging to find a buyer to fill the property, leaving you to ask “How do I protect my empty property?”

To protect an empty property, you can take the following steps:

1. Install Security Doors

2. Install Security Screens

3. Set up Vacant Property Alarms

4. Set up temporary CCTV measures

5. Rent Concrete Barrier Blocks

Empty properties don’t just represent lost rent for the owner; they’re also a liability. Unoccupied addresses are significantly more prone to break-ins and other security issues.

Furthermore, if something does go wrong, your regular cover is probably invalid. Most property insurance only applies if the property is occupied. If the property is permanently unoccupied then you need a special kind of insurance called Unoccupied Property Compliance Insurance.

Don’t worry, though: there are plenty of things you can do to protect an empty property.

Clearway, specialists in empty property security, take a look at 5 ways to protect your empty properties below.

1. Install Security Doors

Firstly, it makes sense to secure the entrances as they are quite often the first attempted point of entry.

Security doors are reinforced doors that make breaking into an unoccupied building much more difficult. They should, ideally, be made from steel as they will be highly resistant to high-impact assault from would-be trespassers.

The best security doors come with a keyless lock. These have a million+ unique keycodes that you can enter into a digital keypad to enter the property should you need to show prospective tenants around or gain access to the property for any reason.

Other features can include a multi-point locking mechanism and cut-proof hinges for additional durability and security. Generally, security doors are an effective and competent security measure but you’ll need to approach a specialist company to have these doors installed. 

security door

2. Install Security Screens

Security screens protect vacant properties by covering the windows in tamper-proof metal sheets. The screens cover the entire frame of external windows of the property and are held in place with bolts.

The fixing mechanism ensures the screens are fitted in such a way that they do not damage the window frames themselves, but still prevent determined trespassers from getting in.

These preformed zinc-coated steel panels, or perforated steel sheets are far superior alternative to wooden boards which provide no protection in the event of an arson attack. 

3. Set up Vacant Property Alarms

Property alarms are one of the most effective methods owners use to protect vacant properties. Many of these alarms are designed for temporary use and can be installed without any need for external electricity supply or access to wired internet as they are battery operated and communicate via the mobile network.

Today’s alarms typically come with both sensors and video cameras that connect to your devices through the web.

A video verified alarm, which is a battery operated device, detects motion and immediately begins recording, sending the footage to the owner to determine the appropriate action to take.

4. Set up Temporary CCTV Measures

Temporary CCTV offers the same ‘visual deterrent’ benefits as an alarm system and allows you or your security firm to keep an eye on your property at all times.

Video cameras capture any movement around your property and send you, or a monitoring station, alerts if they see anything out of the ordinary.

The more flexible temporary CCTV systems do not require mains electricity supply or any other form of on-site power as they can be battery operated and even use solar panels to keep the batteries charged.

For communications, they piggyback on the mobile phone networks to send you images of intruders if they detect any movement.

Another option is to commission a CCTV tower. They operate independently of mains power or a wired internet connection and have the significant advantage of being able to survey a large area from height, and multiple angles, recording events in real time. CCTV towers are a great visual deterrent, providing extensive coverage for sites in any location.

CCTV Tower

5. Rent Concrete Barrier Blocks

Concrete barrier blocks provide the perfect solution for commercial property owners wanting to prevent access to a driveway, carpark or other open land after a closure. Often, trespassers will try to take advantage of unused car parks and driveways to store their vehicles or carry out fly-tipping, knowing that it is unlikely that they will face repercussions.

Concrete barrier blocks are highly cost effective way to secure outdoor areas, without having to invest in fixed perimeter fencing. You simply deposit them where you need them and then remove them after you fill the vacant site.

Importance of Protecting Vacant Properties

Vacant properties are particularly vulnerable to a range of risks, including theft, vandalism and water leaks. To protect against these threats, it is essential that vacant properties are adequately protected with appropriate security measures and services.

Unoccupied property insurance can cover the cost of any damage caused by intruders or natural disasters. Vacant property security systems such as CCTV cameras and alarms can act as a deterrent to potential criminals and help to reduce the risk of vandalism.

Regular inspections should also be carried out to ensure that any issues are identified and addressed before they become more serious.

Taking these steps will help to ensure that your empty properties remain safe and secure while providing tenants with a safe environment in which to move into. Ultimately, protecting your vacant properties is essential for safeguarding your investments now and in the future.

Purchase Unoccupied Property Insurance

Nobody wants to think about the worst-case scenario when it comes to their investment property, but sometimes it’s necessary. Vacant properties are particularly vulnerable to a range of issues such as theft, malicious damage, leaky pipes and more. Without unoccupied property insurance in place, you could be left with an expensive bill if something were to happen while your property is vacant.

Unoccupied property insurance provides coverage against risks such as escape of water, theft, malicious damage, fire and flooding that may not be offered by traditional home insurance policies. It also extends coverage for any legal disputes that may arise due to vacancy rates or future development plans for the property.

Investing in unoccupied property insurance can provide peace of mind that your investment will remain safe and secure against potential disasters. This type of insurance policy is usually tailored to meet individual needs and can often be purchased online at competitive prices. Ultimately, having unoccupied property insurance in place gives you financial protection should anything happen while your premises are vacant.

Check Water Pipes for Leaks and Damage Regularly

Checking water pipes for leaks and damage is an essential step in keeping your vacant properties safe and secure. Not only can unchecked water pipes lead to costly damage, but they can also cause health problems if not adequately maintained.

leaking radiator

To ensure that your empty properties remain in optimal condition, it’s important to regularly check the mains water supply and hose pipes for any signs of wear or damage.

Inspections should be conducted at least every few months, depending on the length of time the property has been left unoccupied. If you’re unable to inspect the property yourself during extended periods of vacancy, consider enlisting the help of a professional service or investing in unoccupied property insurance from a reputable insurance company.

It’s also key to be aware of any local planning permissions that may affect future development at the property as these can sometimes require additional maintenance to keep them compliant with regulations.

By routinely checking your vacant properties’ water supplies, you’ll be able to identify potential risks early on and take preventative action before any lasting damage is done. Doing so will help you protect your investment and ensure that your vacant properties are ready for tenants when needed.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, taking the right steps to protect your empty properties is essential for safeguarding your investments now and in the future.

Regular inspections should be carried out to ensure that any potential issues are identified and addressed before they become more serious.

Investing in unoccupied property insurance is also a great way to provide financial protection should anything happen while your premises are vacant.

Additionally, it’s important to check water pipes for leaks and damage on a regular basis during periods of time when rental property is unoccupied.

Finally, there are also many vacant property services available which can help keep your investment safe and secure.

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