4 major benefits of buying a new build home

Moving house can be a stressful and confusing experience, especially for first-time buyers. However, choosing the right type of property can help to negate problems and ensure an easy purchasing process.

New build homes are a great option for those seeking certainty: buyers can enjoy a simple no-chain sale and the peace of mind in knowing that their property will be both cost-effective and fully functional. Discover more details about the major benefits of buying a new build home below.

Stress-free process

Compared to purchasing an existing property, buying a new build home is a stress-free process. Choosing a new rather than pre-owned house means that you minimise the delays and complications that can come with being in a property chain. First-time buyers just entering the market can avoid being in a chain altogether which is why new builds are so popular with homeowner hopefuls.

You can make the process even more simple by reserving a property before it has been constructed. This means that there is no danger of being caught in a bidding war and you can expect smooth sailing all the way from reservation to the moment of moving in.

Financial benefits

Another advantage of buying a new build home is the number of financial benefits. Firstly, most new houses are under a 10-year warranty which covers you should faults arise related to the design or construction. Additionally, most new build housing developers offer financial incentives such as price discounts, low deposits, or complimentary fixtures like free carpets.

New build homes are also cheaper to maintain. This is because they are fitted with all of the latest modern conveniences and the electrical wiring and plumbing is brand-new, negating the need for repairs for at least the first few years of property ownership.

Greener living

Having a more sustainable lifestyle is becoming increasingly important with each year that passes. New build homes are an easy way to enter into greener living which can save you money while you do your bit to protect the environment. Improved insulation and more efficient heating systems mean that less gas is required to keep your property warm, reducing our use of fossil fuels and lowering your monthly bill to boot. Some new build homes take this one step further by running on modern heating systems powered by renewable energy such as solar.

Other eco-friendly features commonly found in new houses include LED lightbulbs, induction hobs, and water-saving technology including low-flow showerheads and dual-flush toilets.

Easily personalised

Last but not least, new build homes are easily personalised to your tastes. The neutral colour scheme of white walls and earth-tone carpets acts as a peaceful backdrop until you are ready to decorate, and the walls are perfectly plastered for easy painting. Additionally, having a house with no interior issues such as damp and peeling plaster means that spare funds can be utilised on furnishings and décor rather than maintenance and repair.

Don’t forget that the walls in a brand-new house need to be allowed to dry out for nine months before they can be painted.


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